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We Help E-Commerce Businesses Produce Insanely Great ROI Via

Email Marketing

You need to stop wasting precious money and energy on useless and ineffective email marketing campaigns.
It’s time to make your email marketing campaigns count, scale your business to the moon and blow up your sales to the next level!

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To Be Perfectly Honest With You…

PureHat Is Not Just A Software Company Or App

Let’s Face It – You Don’t Only Need Software… You Need Strategy AND Execution

That’s where PureHat comes in.

Instead of creating another complicated email marketing platform for online retailers and eCommerce companies, we decided to focus on the strategy, execution AND software, because that’s what’s going to help you, isn’t it?

See, here’s the thing:

The online retailers who FAIL at email marketing do so because their strategy and execution sucks – not because their software doesn’t have the right features.

As The Owner, CEO Or Digital Marketing Executive, You Care About RESULTS – Not About The Logo At The Top Of Your Email Marketing Software App

When you work with PureHat, you don’t just get software… you get a complete email marketing solution – the strategy, execution AND the software:


  • the overall email marketing strategy
  • copywriting
  • coding
  • design
  • platform integration
  • logic and targeting
  • conversion optimization and A/B testing

There’s Absolutely NOTHING For You To Do…

  • You don’t create the strategy
  • You don’t write the copy
  • You don’t integrate the software
  • You don’t design any emails
  • You don’t setup the logic and targeting in the software
  • You don’t do conversion optimization and A/B testing

Why Not?

Because PureHat Does It ALL For You

(Though If You Want To Tweak Something,
Change A Sentence or Update The Emails, You Can!)

Everything we do is done with the primary goal of increasing sales.

For example, it’s not “design” for the sake of design, but “design” for the sake of maximum sales and maximum conversions. It’s the same with everything else – copywriting, platform integration, and so on.

To learn more about how we work, book a free 30-minute consultation and we’ll give you some free ideas.​

Or keep reading to find out why we’re so passionate about eCommerce email marketing.​

Why Email Marketing?

Email marketing accounts for more than 7% of all e-commerce user acquisitions. This makes it the 2nd most effective acquisition channel (behind search at 15.8%).

Plus, the average return on email marketing investment is $44.25 for every dollar spent (more than double social media ROI).

In other words…

Without Email Marketing For Your Store…

…you’re leaving 10% to 25% of your total revenue on the table every single month.

What are you waiting for?

If you don’t implement an email marketing program ASAP, there’s a good chance that you’ll be left in the dust by your more sophisticated, forward-thinking competitors.

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That’s Where PureHat Comes In

PureHat helps online retailers and ecommerce stores increase sales by 10% to 25% with email marketing (ask us about our ROI Guarantee).

We create a complex ecosystem of “email campaigns” that trigger and interact with each other based on how your customers behave on your website.

The end result?

More sales, higher average order value and increased customer lifetime value.

Want to find out how much we can increase YOUR sales with eCommerce email marketing? Request a free consultation today and we’ll tell you everything you want to know.

12 Examples Of Automated, Predictable, Email Marketing Campaigns We Create For Our Clients


Welcome To The Family

When someone joins your email database for the first time, send them a welcome series to build trust and rapport.


Nurture Your Prospects

Before your prospects buy, they need to be seduced. Seduce them with a nurture series to get them spending money.

Cart Abandonment

70% of people abandon their shopping carts. Recapture lost revenue with a cart abandonment email recovery series.


First Time Customer

Make them feel amazing for choosing you (they’ll buy more later). When they buy for the first time, give them the “first time customer” experience.


Repeat Customer

When they buy a second or third time (or fourth time), be more aggressive in your email follow up to generate more revenue and increase lifetime customer value.

We've Missed You

Sometimes, people stop responding to your emails. Trigger an automatic series designed to reactivate your lost leads and get them buying like they used to.

Due For Re-Order?

Remind customers to re-order when they’re about to run out of your product to maximize lifetime customer value.

Just Bought Something

Tweak your transactional emails to maximize lifetime customer value. They get more opens and clicks than any other emails.


Up-sells and Cross-sells

Send an upsell series right after someone buys and generate more revenue. Best time to make a sale? Immediately after a sale.


Educate Your Prospect

Quality content makes you stay top-of-mind and positions you as the leader of your industry. Great for keeping leads hot.

Page Abandonment

Follow up based on what pages people visit on your store, and send targeted sales material based on what they were looking at.

Product Updates

Generate interest from previous customers and inactive leads by getting them to come back and explore your store.

Remember, everything above is automated – so once you have set everything up, it’s the gift that keeps on giving.

In addition to automated series, we also send weekly newsletters and promotions.

We find that with this approach – manual newsletters AND automated workflow series – we’re able to generate the highest return-on-investment for our clients.

Want to see how the PureHat would work for your company?

Speak To Our Team Today

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Who We Are

Every single one of our team members are in-house and work together to ensure that everything that we do for our clients is of the absolute highest standard and quality. Every single E-Commerce business that decides to jump on board with us never has to worry about any of the intricate details of the email marketing campaigns that we create and launch…. We literally take care of it all, so you can sit back and have peace of mind knowing that you are getting the absolute best results possible when it comes to email marketing.

Our team is lean and focused…. Completely obsessed with one thing and that is producing the absolute best possible results for each and every single one of our clients. We’re always brainstorming, coming up with new ideas and strategies to push for better and better results for our clients.

Company Values:


Quality -

We are absolutely obsessed with making sure that every aspect of the email campaigns that we create for our clients, from the copy, design and the overall strategy is always done to the highest possible standards. Our philosophy is that we would rather take our time to make sure that the work we do is done to a high standard, rather than rushing just so we can get it over and done with.

Creativity -

As a team we are always striving to innovate and improve on our current knowledge and strategies with the aim to get our clients even better results. Unlike most agencies out there we absolutely abhor the concept of the cookie cutter approach. We firmly believe and wholeheartedly implement the ‘Kaizen’ way of doing things.

Customer Focus -

We firmly believe that we as an agency only win when our clients win. We are constantly reinvesting into our agency to ultimately improve the experience of our clients. The number one thing we care about here at PureHat is client satisfaction.

Hard Work -

Greatness is a standard that we are constantly striving for here at PureHat. And of course, we appreciate that striving for greatness requires an incredible amount of hard work…. And we don’t ever shy away from putting in the work that is required to get our clients truly exceptional results.

Long Term Thinking -

At PureHat we are committed to always thinking and operating long term. We never take shortcuts to get a ‘quick result’. We strive to always do things the right way to get the absolute best long term results for the E-Commerce businesses that we work with.

Mastery -

Mastery requires monastic focus and that is what we are always pushing for here at PureHat. This is the reason why we only offer email marketing to E-Commerce businesses and nothing else because we strongly believe it is this focus that allows us to produce stellar results for all of our clients.

Free Consultation: Increase Your eCommerce Sales by 25% With A Free Email Audit and Consultation ($500 Value)

If you’re a business owner or marketing person, you hate making mistakes that cost you sales and revenue. Given that email marketing can generate up to 25%+ of your revenue, it’s worth investing the time, energy and resources to do it properly.

That’s why we’re offering a free 30-minute consultation and email marketing analysis.

If you’d like to avoid common email marketing mistakes for maximum revenue and sales impact, this free consultation and email analysis is for you.

In This Free 30-Minute Consultation, You’ll Discover:
  • How online retailers drive as much as 40% of their sales via advanced, intelligent and automated email marketing campaigns
  • How much money you’re missing out on because you’re not leveraging email marketing properly
  • The legendary ecommerce email marketing software we recommend to all of our clients (MailChimp is for amateurs…)

Plus, we’ll answer every question on email marketing you have, including:

  • What is the best time to send your campaigns?
  • What campaign should you start with first?
  • What companies should you follow and imitate?

Now, we’d like to make it clear that…

A Small percentage of The eCommercee Companies We Talk To Decide To Hire Us Run Their Email Marketing

In the event that you become a PureHat client, here’s how much you’ll need to invest – and how your business will benefit From it:

The PureHat Email Marketing Program

The first thing you need to understand is that PureHat is not a software company. We don’t set up software and then abandon you.


We implement the software, create all the campaigns, optimize everything over time, run A/B tests, and send you a weekly ROI report of the money you have invested in us and the revenue you have generated from our strategies,

In other words…

We run your email marketing, and you get a weekly ROI report to ensure profitability.

Here’s how it works:

Month 1 – Automated Email Marketing Implementation

In month 1, we implement a variety of email marketing campaigns to create an automated, long-term lift in revenue.


  • Email content creation
  • Copywriting
  • Coding
  • Design (inc. custom templates tailored to your brand)
  • Platform integration
  • Logic & targeting

Campaign examples:

  • Welcome
  • Nurture
  • First-time customer
  • Repeat customer
  • Transactional emails
  • Re-engagement
  • Cart abandonment
  • Checkout abandonment
  • Category abandonment

We’ll analyze your eCommerce business and provide a customized collection of campaigns that are designed to have the largest revenue impact possible.

Month 2 Onwards – Full Management + Magic Recipe

From month 2 onwards,  we take everything we created in month 1 and we make it better. 

Plus, we manage your entire email marketing program, including promotions and broadcasts. We develop an email marketing calendar, and manage the copywriting, design and implementation.

To top things off, at the end of every month, you’ll get a beautiful report that breaks down the total revenue generated in the last 30 days, along with all key metrics like open rates and click-through rates.


  • Email content creation
  • Copywriting
  • Coding
  • Design (inc. custom templates tailored to your brand)
  • Platform integration
  • Logic & targeting

If you stay on, we’ll continue running our managed email marketing program for your store (and delivering a regular, predictable return-on-investment).

How Much Do You Need To Invest?

Pricing varies and is based on several factors, including sales volume, current email strategies in place and even your business model.

This 30-Minute Call Is NOT A Sales Pitch In Disguise

This call will give you actionable email marketing strategies that you can either take away with you to implement yourself (which will of course result in you directly increasing your revenue) or after you see the potential you can hire us to take care of it all for you. There will be no hard sell, the decision on which path you take is completely yours to make.

So either way, you come out ahead.

Here’s the catch…

There’s Only ONE THING You Need To Qualify:


Are you an eCommerce company?

In other words, do you sell physical products online using a shopping cart platform like Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, or custom-built?

If yes, then we’d love to talk.

If You’d Like To Increase Sales By Up To 25%+, Simply Pick a Time on Our Calendar To Book Your FREE 30-Minute Consultation NOW! 

Have A General Inquiry?

If you have a general inquiry and would like to speak to our expert team, you can contact us via email at: usman@purehat.com

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